Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Busy bee can't stop buzzing

I'm freezing...

My apartment is always cold due to the drafty patio door. I refuse to move though. Location, location, location. There are so many things that make me nuts about this apartment complex however when I get all settled in the reality is I love my apartment. I do go back and forth about the fact that my stuff is what makes me love it. My stuff will go with me. I also talk myself out off moving because of the expense. I made a deal with myself when I turn 30 that I would get it together. Not only that but I would figure out this whole wealth thing. Yknow like staying in the same place helps develop wealth. I am also trying to sort out this whole credit thing. I don't have any. I have discovered that there is not much I can do about this except to get a credit card. I have been going this far without one. But ladies and gentlemen...credit is necessary. I don't have much debt which is great. I intend to keep it that way. But credit is necessary. I'm going to have to just do it..throw $300 at a secured credit card and start it going. I'm not thrilled about it but it's really my only option in this blessed economy. Thank you again those out there that have 12 credit cards all maxed out and no income to support that debt. Thank you to those out there that over indulged and the lenders that enabled it to happen. Thank you for making it really hard for me.

I'm also cranky...today was my last day at a job that I was relieved to leave. Tomorrow I will start my new job which I applied to a year ago. They just out of nowhere called me 2 weeks ago and offered me a job. I snatched it right up. I ran and danced as I gave my two weeks notice. Funnily enough my new job is for less money but it's better on sooooooooo many levels. So many!

I'm doing the school hussle big time. The 2 week break.was.not.a.break.at.all.

I blame the snow.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA I had yet to put a face with the name but I have finally been able to....LOVE THE GLASSES BTW. I agree people with too many credit cards and thousands of hundreds of dollars make it hard for someone with no credit and VERY little debt to get anything without feeling like you have to say "charge it" its really easy to get caught up in it so be careful....its like the first sip of alcohol you always crave another....or at least want the atmosphere.....not that I'm and alcoholic, even though I'm not going to lie that comment did sound a little alcoholic.....lol...great blog.
